Finn Wiskandt
Hi! I’m Finn, a young Game Developer from Germany.
Video games have been my biggest passion since I first got in contact with them. Playing them is great, but I soon realized, that creating them offers something unique, a feeling that is exceeding the entertainment you get from playing.
Take a look at my fields of experience.
Grades, Awards, my CV and more.
Take a look at my recent projects
Here you can find some of my recent projects.
OMSI 2 AddOn Bad Hügelsdorf 2020
My first commercial release with over 10.000 copies sold.
Here you can find some of my recent projects.
Project Prospero
A first-person shooter set in a dystopian future where the player fights for a questionable organization led by an evil AI.
A 2D Sci-Fi Multiplayer Fighting Game currently in development.
Taste Search Party
A funny 2D-Multiplayer-Platformer I made as part of Team „Lime“ on the Global Game Jam 2021 (Site: Stuttgart)
A Sci-Fi themed version of the classic pong for Android.
At your Command
A social impact game focusses around rasicms, inclusion and minorities. Command a spaceshipcrew with your voice.
Empire Earth: HD-TEC-Mod
This mod increases the resolution of many buildings and units as well as adding new units, buildings and skins for either one.
Stronghold Crusader: Zero Hour Mod
In 2016, I released my first mod for the real-time strategy game Stronghold: Crusader. It replaces many of the AI-Opponents and includes custom sounds, animations and castle-building-behaviors.
Diverse school-programming Projects
In my last school years I made a bunch of different programs in Java and C. I uploaded some of them to my GitHub Account.